What if you could clear the ‘one thing’ that is currently holding you back from the next ‘up-level’ in your life and work?
If you find yourself here, you probably already know the energy and flow of your personal energy affects everything around you…
Self-doubt, fear, self-sabotage, money blocks, overwhelm and ‘upper limiting’ can all have a major impact on your personal energy and your work success.
When you are out of alignment energetically:
perhaps you procrastinate,
feel overwhelmed, unmotivated, not enough,
or just ‘stuck’.
On the other hand, when your energy is clear and aligned:
you are motivated,
your work feels purposeful,
you easily manifest abundance and opportunities
and everything feels easy!
Want to know more about how a session unfolds? You can watch a real-life session HERE.

As a purpose-driven, heart-centred entrepreneur myself, I know that feeling of being so close your next level of happiness and abundance… And yet feeling inexplicably, frustratingly ‘stuck’!
Maybe you have an inkling of what it is that is blocking you – or maybe it’s sneakily flying ‘just under radar’.
As a self-aware entrepreneur, professional and human who is not afraid to do the inner work – you’ve most likely done ‘all the things’ that usually shift these kinds of blocks, only to find that they are just not working. Often – the bigger the up-level, the bigger these blocks can feel.
Either way – you can FEEL it.
And it’s stopping you from being able to show up as fully as you would like.
Whether you are pivoting once again thanks to an ever changing world,
or have a long established business and are making 6 figures a year.
Whether you are juggling ‘all the things’ with overwhelm,
or just feel ‘depleted’ in general from all that your life and work requires from you.
I have the perfect session to support you.
The Healing and Clarity Session.
Want to know more about how a session unfolds? You can watch a real-life session HERE.
Amanda Freeman is my secret weapon for emotional healing, spiritual growth and embodying my leadership! Prior to working with Amanda I had never worked with an energy healer, and although I understood the basic concepts such as the chakra system, I didn’t really know if energy work really ‘worked’.
My mind was blown away from my very first session with Amanda, where she helped to uncover and heal a deep wound that went all the way back to my childhood. Ever since then I have been one of Amanda’s biggest fans and I’m committed to working with her on a long-term basis because her work truly is that powerful.
Amanda’s approach is grounded, nurturing, wise and intuitive. She has taught me how to truly feel my feelings. How to be vulnerable and raw and real. And that has changed all of the relationships in my life. I count her as an integral part of my support system, and her work is a vital key in my growth as an entrepreneur, a wife, a mother and a woman on the Heroine’s Journey of coming home to herself.
Layla, Doha, Qatar
I’ve worked with clients who are new to business and seasoned professionals who have both felt suddenly paralysed by hidden blocks as they neared the next level of their business goals.
Upper-limiting is real…
You’re so focused on achieving your ‘next step’ that you’ve put self-care on the back burner for *just* that little bit too long.
The clarity you are seeking feels *so close* and you’ve recognised you won’t find it by simply ‘trying harder’ (you have tried!).
You’re ending up exhausted and burnt out and not sure how to get back to your fully energised self (this happens even to the most self aware entrepreneurs – don’t worry!).
You’ve had to deal with a significant life or family challenge or trauma – whilst continuing to juggle ‘all the things’. You are really craving a safe place to be supported so you can continue to support those around you and your business.
You’ve become overwhelmed and overloaded by the ‘busyness,’ leaving you feeling stuck in comparisonitis, shiny object syndrome, and disconnected from your own amazing intuition, purpose, and vision.Â
You’ve fallen into the familiar self-sabotage patterns that have knocked your confidence in yourself and the power of your work. And you’re READY to get back on track.

The one thing that all of my clients have in common is a deep desire to reclaim their focus and alignment. A knowing that their work is needed in the world and a deep desire to move beyond the blocks that are holding them back. Intelligent, self aware entrepreneurs and professionals who are not afraid of diving inwards to get clear and back into inspired action.
Sometimes a simple energy shift combined with some personalised energy strategy is all you need to launch that program, say yes to that opportunity or move out the ‘funk’.
We will clear any immediate energy blocks, and identify exactly how you can reclaim your energy, focus and momentum in both your life and your work.
So you can regain your clarity and inner strength and get back to doing what you love with ease and flow.
- having identified the energetic and mindset blocks that are currently holding you back.
- clearing these blocks on all levels – consciously and energetically.
- having taken conscious and inspired action in alignment with YOUR energy.
- moving forward with clarity and confidence.

As simple as that – you are back in flow making an impact in the world with your work, as you are fully re-connected to your intuition, momentum and purpose.
Amanda is a gentle yet firm soul and healer. A session with her is always incredibly insightful, uplifting and opens up something you didn’t realise was there. Highly recommend!
Maggie Giele, Europe
If you want to regain your clarity and clear whatever is currently holding you back (even if you don’t know what it is or how it’s stopping you)
then I would love to invite you to book a Healing and Clarity session where we will work with your intention and your energy to identify and clear what is holding you back – and together create a personalised energy strategy to get you moving forward.
Here’s Everything You’ll Get
A 90 minute session that is a potent mixture of healing, coaching and mentoring – tailored to your EXACT situation and needs.
It’s comprised of two parts:

A 45 minute Distance Reiki Healing session.
This is where the energy medicine happens. First, the Reiki will work with your energy clearing and healing whatever is needed for your highest good. As that unfolds, I’ll be tuning into your energy to feedback anything you need to know that needs to be acknowledged, healed or shifted.

A 45 minute Follow-up Zoom call
This is where we talk about your intentions, what unfolded within the healing and look deeper at anything that needs your conscious attention to shift things further. You’ll also continue to receive healing through the duration of the call as things continue to shift and heal while we connect.
Imagine feeling:
- More flow, clarity and abundance in both your work AND day-to -day life.
- The ability to move through previously immovable blocks.
- Confidence in maintaining your energetic alignment no matter what life and work throws at you.
- A better personal understanding of your energy and how to apply this knowledge for the increased clarity and success.
- A sense of inner peace, clarity and calm.
- Grounded in your purpose and focused on YOUR journey (goodbye comparisonitis).
- Clear on your next steps forward and on how to support yourself through this next up-level.
- Confidence in setting the boundaries you need to stay aligned moving forward.

The energetic and emotional shifts I experienced in such a short space of time have been monumental for my mental health and how I want to show up as a business person. These shifts were exactly what I needed and still have work to do but we unblocked so much and the relief has been wonderful. It may feel like a big investment but it is worth every penny to get unstuck with a caring and considerate practical business professional.
Hazel Ponsford, UK
I have to say I honestly feel like a different person these days. It’s genuine.
I am always happy.calm, I don’t stress too much, I trust in the universe providing and having myself – I like myself ! A lot! IT’s wonderful and bizarre. This work has been so amazing!
S.K, Melbourne
What is the investment?
So, how does it all unfold?
Firstly, I’ll ask you to identify where you currently feel consciously stuck by answering a few short questions, and possibly setting an ‘intention’ for the sessions.
Then, I work with Distance Reiki to clear and balance your energy. Reiki is a profound ancient healing energy that knows exactly what is needed for your mind, body and spirit to bring you into alignment.
As this unfolds I will be ‘tuning in to your energy’. The best way I can describe this process to you, is that it is as if I am having a ‘conversation’ with your energy and your higher self.
I am then able to pass this information onto you for you to identify, clear and heal any underlying blocks, so that you can understand why you are ‘stuck’ and out of alignment. I am simply listening to your energy and passing back anything I notice that is presented to me as part of your healing intention. Sometimes loved-ones who have passed or past lives will come through as part of your healing too.
When we connect for our follow up call, I share with you anything your energy has shared with me about what you needed for healing. This helps you to make a conscious connection as to where (and often why) you are out of balance/stuck/overwhelmed. Then we moved to solution-focused strategy from here!Â
With these energetic healing shifts and increased personal awareness you will notice very quickly how this begins to positively affect your business and personal energy flow, clarity and motivation. You’ll also be crystal clear on the practical inspired actions you need to take to move forward and be able to take them with ease and flow.

What does an Online Healing & Clarity Session look like?
What happens during an online Healing & Clarity Session?
First session nerves…watch this short video!Â
What happens in a Connection Call?
Each session is completely catered to healing and clearing your energy, your business, and your personal blocks/sabotages/patterns/healing needs (no cookie cutter advice or recommendations here!).

As a Reiki Master/Teacher, Mentor, EFT Master Practitioner and Trainer, Certified Angel Card Reader, Medium, Intuitive and Business owner– I bring all of my knowledge, training and expertise to your individual situation and we work with the techniques we find are most powerful for you in this moment.
Some of the things I can work with you on include:
- Identifying and clearing longstanding blocks or patterns that are holding you back energetically, emotionally and practically.
- Connecting you more deeply to your intuition.
- Understanding your energy and creating simple, practical strategies to support you as you do your work.
- Mindset, manifestation and energy clearing.

Most importantly – this session is all about making your personal and business energy flow easily amidst your busy schedule, without adding more to your ‘to-do’ list.
Amanda really got to the heart of the matter and turned my launching mindset around. In just a single session she helped me realign my goals to something and as a result the clients came in, within a day! But more than that she helped me uncover some other lessons about myself that will completely change my trajectory and I’m excited to explore that more. Thank you Amanda!
Yael Keon, WA
Brigid Ward, US
This session is perfect for people who:
- have a strong awareness that something is out of alignment – but can’t seem to shift it with the ‘usual’ strategies or techniques.
- understand the importance of the combination of the practical and the ‘woo’ in shifting stubborn blocks and moving forward.
- are craving a safe, sacred space where they can be fully seen and heard and be supported to take ‘the next right step’ that feels aligned for them!
- are open to energy work (no previous experience required!)
- are seeking emotional healing, spiritual growth and embodying my leadership!
- are new to energy work in business and are curious if this kind of work will work for ‘them’.

This is not going to be a great fit for people who:
- are not open to energy work.
- want to be ‘fixed’ by someone else (this is a co-created experience and you are honoured as a sovereign being in control of your journey)
- don’t have a deep desire to heal and move forward.
Rachel Shillcock, UK
Words cannot express the gratitude I feel towards you for all you have done to support me this year. You have helped me change my life for the better, heal and become a stronger woman. Thank you for being you. I feel so much more centred in my life’s decisions and ready to tackle the world as well as embrace the beautiful life I have created. I feel stronger and more in my power than ever before. I feel capable of tackling life’s challenges. My life feels more balanced and I feel more in control, my relationships feel blessed. I feel so much more confident in money and self-care.
Mae Collard, Melbourne
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm in a Europe/UK/US timezone and can't find a time that suits me!
Please email me at hello @ amandafreeman.com.au I’ll get you to book via a different link which allows you to book only for the follow-up call component in an appropriate time for you. It is often a little easier than trying to find a 90-minute block where we are both awake 😉 I will complete the healing component prior to this 45-minute call.
What do I do during the healing component?
There is nothing you need to ‘do’ at all really! Although I do recommend that you set an intention for the healing prior to your session time.
Still your mind, take a few deep breaths and take a moment to ask for what you feel you need healing for. Reiki will always go to where it is needed most – but clear intention can be very powerful in consciously creating the changes you wish to achieve within this experience. But there is one catch – once you have set that intention, allow yourself to let go of all expectations, and simply trust that you will receive exactly what you need for your highest good!
During the allocated time for your healing, you can either:
- Go about your normal business.
- You can make a nice space for yourself with quiet music, candles, and scents, you might like to meditate, or have a relaxing bath. Whatever feels like a nice way to allow yourself to relax.
- You may even be asleep at the time – depending on your time zone, this is perfect too.
Regardless of what you are doing, the energy will come through for your healing exactly as it needs to.
What will I feel?
Some people will feel energy sensations within their body like heat, coolness, tingling, gentle movement or a feeling of relaxation.
Some people will not feel anything at all.
Whatever you experience is exactly right for you.
What if I don’t feel anything has changed?
How will i know what time you are sending the healing?
If you book your healing time separate to your follow up call or are in the UK/Europe or USA – I will let you know the window of time that I will send through your healing 2 days before your appointment, so that you can set your intention and know approximately when you will be receiving the healing.
If you are in Australia/New Zealand you will generally book your distance healing and follow up call back to back through my calendar.
How does the follow up call occur?
For our 45minute follow up appointment we choose a time that suits you best to connect. My preference is to use a free program called Zoom. It’s just like skype, except I am able to send you a recording of the call afterwards!
I just ask that you download Zoom to your computer or device prior to the call (this usually takes 2-3minutes).
During this call, I discuss with you what occurred within the healing. I will also continue to send through healing during this phone session while we talk, so you can integrate any energetic shifts that you may experience.
Within 48 hours, you will receive access to download a copy of the call so you can re-listen at your convenience should you wish to.
We can also carry out follow up call using regular phone if needed!
Why is there a sliding scale for payments and how do I decide?
How did I come to create this sliding scale?
I realised that sometimes financial hardship is a barrier to accessing support for you energy and alignment in your life and work. I wanted to create opportunities for accessibility in these cases!
A lot of time, energy and thought has gone into creating this accessible sliding scale system. Please find the linked resources below which helped me put it all together for you!
Please note: No proof is required of you to verify the scale you choose. I’m relying on honesty. Clients I attract tend to have integrity and honesty as values high on their list.
Click here to read more about the Sliding Scale.
Reach out to me here if you need any further assistance.
Does distance healing work as well as a hands-on, in person healing?
Do you just use Reiki in your treatments?
As a Reiki Master/Teacher, EFT Master Practitioner, Certified Angel Card Reader, Medium, Intuitive and Business owner since 2010 – I bring all of my knowledge and expertise to your individual situation and we work with the techniques we find are most powerful for you in this moment.
In addition to the healing I provide I can also teach you some easy to use, practical energy-clearing, intuition strengthening and energy balancing techniques to help support you while you achieve your business success in between sessions.
Some of the things I can work with you on include:
- How to connect more deeply to your intuition.
- How to understand your energy patterns and how they apply to your business
- Mindset, manifestation and energy clearing techniques.
- EFT (tapping).
- Angel/Oracle cards.Mentoring
Each session is catered to your exact needs.
How can I expect to feel after a session?
Sometimes, as a result of the healing and getting your energy ‘moving’ again some people can feel the need to be gentle with themselves following a session.
I provide you with some self-care recommendations to support your energy following a session and a follow-up call to answer any questions you might have about 3 days after your session.
The truth is – every person and every session is different and depends on the healing you have come for and the healing you receive on the day!
Who do you work with?
I work with clients who have been in business or practice for many years, and clients who are just starting out.
Whilst many of my clients identify as female, I also welcome trans, non-binary, and non-gender conforming folks to work with me.
Will I need another session?
These Healing and Clarity sessions are potent and powerful, however, for longstanding issues that you wish to work on over a longer period of time, I recommend looking at my 3-month Prosperity and Alignment Package or reach out to learn more about my bespoke offerings.